Today is 25th of July, 2013 and i'm posting the continues-ly picture for the "a picture a day" exercise.
Those two of papers look ordinary, it is. But they save so many stories and memories inside. I made those random sketches in my drawing lesson. The first picture calls leak
The sketches may not very nice but i think beyond words that day. i just draw, and tadaaaaaa!! it becomes a really scary Balinese monster. The second picture has a bit more formal definition. Its a really basic sketches of 3D things, and hatching technique. I got the idea from my teacher sketches, he draw me a triangle and cubes in so many sizes. So creatively, i draw what's in my head, and made them stand in a 3D way and gave them a hatch finishing technique.
Courtesy : Jelantik photography 2013
This is an old photo of mine, i got it from my friend's Facebook, his name is Jelantik. And he's a photographer in Bali. I choose this photo to be posted because i really like the moment of Galungan day and ceremony in Bali. Just for your information, Bali is my home town, a land of gods, and a must place to go on a holiday. And Galungan day is their big day, and it'll come twice a year, according to the Balinese calendar.
Their "out of the box" thinking always make me feel special of being a Balinese. For the example the white tall flags and the fruit bamboos stand. I've never seen that kinds of things before, and the meaning of the combinations is to praise their gods with their offerings.

My feet. I took this photo about 2 weeks ago, in HardRock Hotel Sentosa. I really miss my home town and i felt like i really need to go to the beach, just like i always did in Bali. For you information, in my home town, beaches are everywhere . The sands and waves are abundantly produced everyday, so i really understand which beach and the ecosystem is good. The first time i felt the sand and made a foot print on this "made up" sands on the pool side reminded me everything about beach. and the creative thing was i thought about how the inventor found this beautiful sands just like the original one. The structure, the colours, and the way it absorbed water, may not be really original, because its a bit more flawless and too bright. But the purpose of the inventors is really brilliant, so every busy people can feel the "beach" with no need to go too far away.
Courtesy : Shabby Chic IKEA picture
Vivid floral pattern, old furniture, comfortable corner, cozy lights, nude colours combination, are really related to a thing called Shabby Chic. I really like the picture because the room looks so nice with the placement of the furnitures, the colours path, and also unpretentious shapes and lights. The catchy thing about this room is, it looks homely comfortable. The components around the room successfully make an inspiration for me to think that its not about the price, but its bout the way you re-design your own room.