Thursday, 17 April 2014
lallaaaaalaaa we've found the FINAL DESIGN!!! YUHUUU
Kids Design.
MiniMidiMega !
We've found the name from the 3 sizes of the bags.
Mini is for the smallest size, which is the one for kids, and midi for the teenagers as well as for the Mega, its the biggest for adult and teenagers.
MiniMidiMega LOGO
yaayy! we're almost done :D
Last view weeks, we were actually doing the things for the final presentation about the A2 size.
The basic ideas came from our chosen ideas and sketches, with all those pros and cons.
The basic ideas came from our chosen ideas and sketches, with all those pros and cons.
The bag with network
The magic bag
Friendship bag
Those are little sketches from our 101 solutions that came from brainstorm and mind map.
And these are the chosen ideas :
Our 4 chosen ideas
Its a Helium bag
This is our final idea from the sketches. It made us think that this idea has the most-less cons. And it will really helps students to lighten their bags and stuffs.
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Still about our research report
The time is really in a rush!
there are 4 weeks left to go
feeling so close with the assessment week.
Along "the journey", me and my lovely group , Gaby, Pauline, and Jing Xi were continuing the Prezi for our 101 ideas to solve our heavy bag's problem.
Pardon us for the messy and blur photograph :D
And after the 101 ideas, the 5 combinations were continuing the process. We worked for this until 2 weeks and still counting.
And the Prezi is here.
Still in our process too.
there are 4 weeks left to go
feeling so close with the assessment week.
Along "the journey", me and my lovely group , Gaby, Pauline, and Jing Xi were continuing the Prezi for our 101 ideas to solve our heavy bag's problem.
Pardon us for the messy and blur photograph :D
And after the 101 ideas, the 5 combinations were continuing the process. We worked for this until 2 weeks and still counting.
And the Prezi is here.
Still in our process too.
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Hai blog!! I'm backkk hhihihihii
I just got back from my not-very-long hibernation!! hahahaha
I went out of this country with my best buddies and girls.
But remembering our un-finished research report, me and my group still doing it and it's still in progress.
Here is our cover photo, Gaby found it.
Its so nice :D
I went out of this country with my best buddies and girls.
But remembering our un-finished research report, me and my group still doing it and it's still in progress.
Here is our cover photo, Gaby found it.
Its so nice :D
Children’s Heavy School Bag
(How can we lift off their burdens?)
Name: Jessica Budiman (1F), Jing Xi (1F),
Pauline Teo (1D), Gabriella Berliany (1D)
Class: 1F & 1D
Module: Design process
3D Design Department
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts
Lecturers in Charge: Marienne Yang & Ang Chiat
Date of Submission: 11th February 2014
Word Count:....
And then, from view weeks before it I did my own case study from my persona ofcourse.
But it's still in progress too, because i'm having trouble for not using I, You, They, She, He.
2.3 Case study 3: How is This Problem Handled in Other Countries
The problem about heavy children school bags, the thoughts about what if the facilities of the country they are living in is quite enough for them to lessen their carriers from the distance? For the very obvious example is Singapore. It is a familiar thing that Singapore has so many public transportation for its people to reach their destination as fast and as cheap as it can be. So no matter how old or how young the people, it won’t matter their “super fast” journey by that public vehicles. But the unfortunate thing about it is we have to walk and walk. What a very significant contrast with its neighborhood’s country. Let say Indonesia. It works so different there. Based on our research, our own experience and investigation, this problem is not really bother the Indonesian kids. Before proving that, Indonesians mostly spoiling their kids, so it is affecting their lives. This is not for blaming the government, because Indonesia itself hasn’t been capable yet, for the public transportation. So usually the children’s bags are not to bothering them because they are mostly using their own vehicles. Their majority is using cars, or motorcycle to pick or to drop their children’s wherever they go. As we all know too, that Indonesia has lower currency that affect everything seems so easier than how it works in Singapore. Asking for a hand to the maids or driver in Indonesia really not a big deal. After their class finished, they can ask for a pick up service too, so they will not carry their heavy schoolbags for a distance.
This small theme is actually brought a very big involvement between Children, teachers, parents and government to its country. So the conclusion is, these two different countries are commonly affected their children’s obstruction growth by the heavy school bags with the different ways. Not only in Singapore, every country with the more advanced and more enough public transportations do. But the very good thing about it is government has the policy for the maximum weight of their children’s school bags. And at least It is supporting the prevention. Doesn’t seem like in Indonesia that the curriculum has been thick up by the education government, and automatically even the children don’t walk too much, their daily carriers will be maximized by their daily activities. So how it tackled in other countries? It affects certain similar negatives, in a very different reflection. 
Thursday, 6 February 2014
my FIFTH week is getting harderrrr aakk!
Its true, its getting harder.
We were started to learn and write about entity, the things about empathising our problem, which is always Children's bags are too heavy, and we also shared about our individual persona experiences from seeing the parents, teachers, and children's point of view.
My personal experience of being the stakeholder that i chose was being parents. Its still in the case that nowadays the children's bags are too heavy. According to my schedule that last week was the Chinese new year holiday, i went back to my hometown, Bali to reunited with my family there. During that long weekend holiday i really couldn't resist that i got over thought about my super duper abundantly home works in NAFA. One of them is the design process's. Gaby and I was really thinking about how to represent the rich parents and also the tight budgets parents with. Because we've never ever been a parents before haha a or maybe on the way soon to be. So i just asked some informal questions to my brother, my cousins and my dad also about this problem.
Commonly the said their carriers are quite a lot as the years increase by. Before i continue, their ages are approximately between 13th. They said their parents recently said that its just a normal thing, they have provided good education for them, therefore they shouldn't worry about that little thing.
Besides that, we learned some of the research methodologies. There are interview, forum, articles, bibliography, and case study.
What i just discussed with my team mates were about the case study, which in Indonesia we called it Studi lapangan. It comes form the frame questions that have been phrased before then formed into the questions that soon to be used as the chapters and research methods for our report.
We were started to learn and write about entity, the things about empathising our problem, which is always Children's bags are too heavy, and we also shared about our individual persona experiences from seeing the parents, teachers, and children's point of view.
Source of the image :
My personal experience of being the stakeholder that i chose was being parents. Its still in the case that nowadays the children's bags are too heavy. According to my schedule that last week was the Chinese new year holiday, i went back to my hometown, Bali to reunited with my family there. During that long weekend holiday i really couldn't resist that i got over thought about my super duper abundantly home works in NAFA. One of them is the design process's. Gaby and I was really thinking about how to represent the rich parents and also the tight budgets parents with. Because we've never ever been a parents before haha a or maybe on the way soon to be. So i just asked some informal questions to my brother, my cousins and my dad also about this problem.
Commonly the said their carriers are quite a lot as the years increase by. Before i continue, their ages are approximately between 13th. They said their parents recently said that its just a normal thing, they have provided good education for them, therefore they shouldn't worry about that little thing.
Besides that, we learned some of the research methodologies. There are interview, forum, articles, bibliography, and case study.
What i just discussed with my team mates were about the case study, which in Indonesia we called it Studi lapangan. It comes form the frame questions that have been phrased before then formed into the questions that soon to be used as the chapters and research methods for our report.
4th week isssssssssssssss a Chinese New Year week!!!
No class for design process
we're waiting for the new schedule to replace it.
and anywayy.....
M. Sai Gopal
we're waiting for the new schedule to replace it.
and anywayy.....
And here are the articles that i found, to support the things that will go on soon.
Driving for the school run can add £52 to annual fuel bill
As a new school year begins parents are being reminded of the costs associated with driving their children to school.

Using the car for the school run could cost more than you think Photo: ALAMY
The school run is already stressful enough for most parents, and it can add
£52 to the average family's annual fuel bill.
A combination of congested roads, cold starts and short journeys that don't
allow a car's engine to warm up all contributed to poor fuel economy in
tests carried out by What Car? on four popular family cars.
It discovered that the Nissan Qashqai 1.6 diesel returned 29.8mpg from a cold
start rather than its 51.4mpg official Urban figure. The petrol-powered
Hyundai i20 and 2.0-litre diesel Seat Alhambra both managed 26.5mpg, rather
than 46.3mpg and 38.7mpg respectively, while VW's Golf Bluemotion returned
41.5mpg - some way short of the 60.1mpg Urban figure it achieves in EU tests.
Chas Hallett, What Car? editor-in-chief, said: "Engines take at
least 10 minutes to warm up, so on short, traffic-clogged runs to school
they're running a lot less efficiently. On the majority of school runs, cars
deliver on average 15 per cent fewer miles per gallon than their official
urban figures suggest, and emit 20 per cent more CO2.
"When shopping for your next school run vehicle, go for a car that works
best in town. That way it'll still deliver good economy even when it's
running less efficiently."
School bags become back-breaking for children
Singapore Homeopathy - Effective Treatment For Variety Of Diseases. Reasonable Charges.
Doctors link them to spine problems, postural defects and back pain

Burdensome: Children are forced to slouch due to their heavy bags. - A file photo
School bags are a major source for injuries among children. And yet, on
most occasions, parents tend to overlook this factor. Sometimes, parents
justify by saying that they too had carried heavy school bags when they
were young and nothing happened to them. Many parents also simply fail
to notice the pain and fatigue, which are common among children who are
burdened by heavy school bags.
In recent times, however, spine specialists and
orthopaedic doctors have started linking heavy bags with problems of
spine, postural defects and back pain among children. Many also maintain
that parents should not allow children to carry bags that are heavier
than 10 per cent of their body weight.
This means that if a child weighs 30 kilograms, then
parents must make sure that the child does not carry a school bag
weighing more than three kilograms. If the load is more, then children
tend to devise their own methods to carry heavy bags.
“Children unintentionally arch their backs and lean
forward to carry the heavy load. Unwittingly, this leads to poor posture
like slouching when they grow up. When they reach their adolescent
stage, many youngsters are unable to maintain the right posture,” says
spine surgeon, Dr. G. P. V. Subbaiah of Global Hospitals.
Doctors also suggest that children, including teenagers,
should avoid wearing heavy bag only on one shoulder. “Such a habit
makes youngsters lean towards one side to compensate for the extra
weight. This leads to asymmetrical spine, back pain and strained neck
and shoulders,” doctors point out.
Sometimes, children tend to bend forward while carrying
heavy backs. Doctors maintain that this posture will force children to
work harder to breath and in turn put a lot of pressure on lungs. “Some
back pains can be treated by medication. But it is always is better to
take preventive measures,” Dr. Subbaiah said.
Monday, 27 January 2014
3rd WEEK Begins :D
During my group's activity, we learned seriously how to make the bibliography, and proposal.
Here is our proposal :D
Proposal for Design Process
![]() |
Group : LOL
Members : Jessica
Gaby (Scribe)
Topic : Children’s schoolbag is too heavy
Description :
Nowadays majority of children who
go to school face the problem of heavy schoolbags. Surveys have shown that
considerable number of students from primary to secondary schools often carry
bags that are more than 10% body weight. The negative consequences have been
yielded such as pain in back, shoulders and neck and in some cases scoliosis
for young children. The first step of approaching this was to identify the
stakeholders of it and continued by considering all possible factors that may
have contributed in creating the problem.
Stake holders: Possible factors:
Students -
Availability of good school bag quality with reasonable price in the market
Parents -
School curriculum
Teachers -
Book sizes and weight
School -
Teachers and parents control on the children
- -Students’ attitude
- -Students’ attitude
Empathizing was the next step to gain a better understanding
of each stakeholder’s perspective of this problem. To research into specific
problems, we created framed design question to identify possible problems for
which solutions can be designed to solve the problems. Here is the list of our
design questions:
- What is the availability of ergonomically designed bag in
the market?
- What is the price range of ergonomics school bags?
- Why are school books’ designs bulky?
- Who are involved (the most) to this problem?
- What is the percentage of school providing locker facility
or book/laptop rental facility?
Online article
Yap, Eve. ‘Kids’ Weighty Problem’. The Straits Times. 12 Jan. 2014. Accessed 18 Jan. 2014
Handlon, Rhonda. ‘The Family Media Guardian’. Focus On The Family. 13 Jan. 2014.
Waliszweski, Bob. ‘Plugged-in Parenting’. Tindale House. 2011.
Super thankksss to Gaby, our beloved scribe !!!!
She was the one who started this proposal
and She did great, didn't she?!!
Thursday, 16 January 2014
TODAAYYY, my group and i have finished our first mind map for the design process class.
Based on our topic, we made it not so simple yet about to be a bit complicated.
I'll show you guys the photos hehe..
Based on our topic, we made it not so simple yet about to be a bit complicated.
I'll show you guys the photos hehe..
Sorry for the un-tidy words and writing hahahaa
We held our meeting this morning at 10pm, in the library, level 6 of our beloved univ :p
We decided students, parents, curriculums, transportation, bag's quality, and school's facilities as our main points to be ranched.
We also got the new theme for this second week. It's empathy and sympathy. According to the video we watched in class, empathy is putting yourself in to someone else's problem. And sympathy is more like in an "ignorant" way.
- Empathy is the capacity to recognise emotions that are being experienced by another sentient or fictional being. One may need to have a certain amount of empathy before being able to experience accurate sympathy or compassion.
- Sympathy is the perception, understanding, and reaction to the distress or need of another human being. This empathic concern is driven by a switch in viewpoint, from a personal perspective to the perspective of another group or individual who is in need. Empathy and sympathy are often used interchangeably. Sympathy is a feeling, but the two terms have distinct origins and meanings. Empathy refers to the understanding and sharing of a specific emotional state with another person. Sympathy does not require the sharing of the same emotional state. Instead, sympathy is a concern for the well-being of another. Although sympathy may begin with empathizing with the same emotion another person is feeling, sympathy can be extended to other emotional states.
Sources :
Pardon our selfie hahaaha
It was me, Glory, Pauline, and Gaby.
For the second exercise, me and Gaby will try to pretend for being parents, we decided it to the prestiges one, and the tight budget.
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
HAI MY BLOGGGG!!! I'm back from my "hibernation" haha..
HAI MY BLOGGGG!!! I'm back from my "hibernation" haha..
Hai pals, I just got back from my long longg holiday :D But it's a bit short actually. The place where i belong was always too bad to be left. *sigh*
Ok, anyway school was "welcoming" me again with so many new friends, new class, new teachers, and dawns ofcourse.
On the 4th day of my first week i learned again about creative thinking. But now its called a bit different, we called it Design Process class.
It didn't have so many differences between them actually, because as what we've learned before, how to design, create, imagine, solve, mind map, and etcetera we'll be learning it all again in this class.
Back to the first topic, let's talk about the class. It was quite interesting. Ms. Mariene Yang and Mr. Ang Chiat will be our lecturers for the next 14 weeks for this lessons. The first thing we did was getting in our new groups, based on our names and classes. We were united with class D hehehe...
And yeaahh i lost the scissor paper rock kind of game, and i became the leader of my group.
And i'm in the 4th group. Me, Gaby, Glory, and Pauline.
That first lesson gave us so many topics to choose. And we decided to pick "Children bags' too heavy." It was based on our "very quick" brainstorm and discussion on our table.
And our very first meeting will be held next week, before the class started.
Buuutttt, my own opinion about our topic is not as simple as that "kiddy colourful backpack".
The first reason from me personally, it's a big big problem which has started since they're really young. The biggest factor is ofcourse the curriculum of the education. The light books are really rare to find nowadays. Especially those that titled history, or something as thick as a Holly Bible. The next reason is the "less care" of their parents. Every single day, the lessons from normal junior high school or even from elementary school will always change. Some parents even don't look care a lot about that. So their children just pack all their one day book package in their bags, then carry it half of day. And somehow, the bag's quality can be a big problem. Because perhaps it doesn't complete the standard quality of how it supposed to be. Then it doesn't support the weight of children's belongings as well. So some back and humped problem will be coming soon.
And here are my secondary research according to the topic....
"Despite parents' best efforts to protect their children from getting hurt, one of the greatest sources of potential injury which often goes unnoticed is the school backpack. According to a report in NewsWise, the school bag carried by children everyday causes pain and fatigue to as many as 50 per cent of children today. "
A study conducted by the American Physical Therapy Association has found that more than 50 per cent of children surveyed carry backpacks heavier than 15 per cent of their body weight.
"Children carrying this kind of weight can develop serious back pain and other problems that can require treatment," says Avrom Gart, Medical Director at the Cedars-Sinai Institute for Spinal Disorders.
"To manage the load, children sometimes arch their backs or lean forward, causing them to develop poor posture as they grow,"
Ok, anyway school was "welcoming" me again with so many new friends, new class, new teachers, and dawns ofcourse.
On the 4th day of my first week i learned again about creative thinking. But now its called a bit different, we called it Design Process class.
It didn't have so many differences between them actually, because as what we've learned before, how to design, create, imagine, solve, mind map, and etcetera we'll be learning it all again in this class.
Back to the first topic, let's talk about the class. It was quite interesting. Ms. Mariene Yang and Mr. Ang Chiat will be our lecturers for the next 14 weeks for this lessons. The first thing we did was getting in our new groups, based on our names and classes. We were united with class D hehehe...
And yeaahh i lost the scissor paper rock kind of game, and i became the leader of my group.
And i'm in the 4th group. Me, Gaby, Glory, and Pauline.
That first lesson gave us so many topics to choose. And we decided to pick "Children bags' too heavy." It was based on our "very quick" brainstorm and discussion on our table.
And our very first meeting will be held next week, before the class started.
Buuutttt, my own opinion about our topic is not as simple as that "kiddy colourful backpack".
The first reason from me personally, it's a big big problem which has started since they're really young. The biggest factor is ofcourse the curriculum of the education. The light books are really rare to find nowadays. Especially those that titled history, or something as thick as a Holly Bible. The next reason is the "less care" of their parents. Every single day, the lessons from normal junior high school or even from elementary school will always change. Some parents even don't look care a lot about that. So their children just pack all their one day book package in their bags, then carry it half of day. And somehow, the bag's quality can be a big problem. Because perhaps it doesn't complete the standard quality of how it supposed to be. Then it doesn't support the weight of children's belongings as well. So some back and humped problem will be coming soon.
And here are my secondary research according to the topic....
"Despite parents' best efforts to protect their children from getting hurt, one of the greatest sources of potential injury which often goes unnoticed is the school backpack. According to a report in NewsWise, the school bag carried by children everyday causes pain and fatigue to as many as 50 per cent of children today. "
A study conducted by the American Physical Therapy Association has found that more than 50 per cent of children surveyed carry backpacks heavier than 15 per cent of their body weight.
"Children carrying this kind of weight can develop serious back pain and other problems that can require treatment," says Avrom Gart, Medical Director at the Cedars-Sinai Institute for Spinal Disorders.
"To manage the load, children sometimes arch their backs or lean forward, causing them to develop poor posture as they grow,"
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