Thursday 6 February 2014

my FIFTH week is getting harderrrr aakk!

       Its true, its getting harder.
We were started to learn and write about entity, the things about empathising our problem, which is always Children's bags are too heavy, and we also shared about our individual persona experiences from seeing the parents, teachers, and children's point of view.

Source of the image   :

        My personal experience of being the stakeholder that i chose was being parents. Its still in the case that nowadays the children's bags are too heavy. According to my schedule that last week was the Chinese new year holiday, i went back to my hometown, Bali to reunited with my family there. During that long weekend holiday i really couldn't resist that i got over  thought about my super duper abundantly home works in NAFA. One of them is the design process's. Gaby and I was really thinking about how to represent the rich parents and also the tight budgets parents with. Because we've never ever been a parents before haha a or maybe on the way soon to be. So i just asked some informal questions to my brother, my cousins and my dad also about this problem.
      Commonly the said their carriers are quite a lot as the years increase by. Before i continue, their ages are approximately between 13th. They said their parents recently said that its just a normal thing, they have provided good education for them, therefore they shouldn't worry about that little thing.

   Besides that, we learned some of the research methodologies. There are interview, forum, articles, bibliography, and case study.
What i just discussed with my team mates were about the case study, which in Indonesia we called it Studi lapangan. It comes form the frame questions that have been phrased before then formed into the questions that soon to be used as the chapters and research methods for our report.

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