Monday, 26 August 2013

What to post is how you think, and how you think is what you post :D

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              Right this one is also a good invention. It's such a brilliant idea in combining a modern machine and a mineral to drink. Its really "match" for this kind instant lifestyle. It means like no need to use spoon to stir your coffee or milk, or whatever you have. The characteristic is quite different too i think, but in this case, i'm sure you need a  battery to keep it still on. It doesn't look like something that has been "forced", but they have a really intensive connection between them. If i have one oneday, i'll change the cover of the mug, perhaps. hiihhi 

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              This picture? I got this suddenly from google when i searched about the forced perspective. It doesnt look like having 2 contrast functions right? But people called it a forced perspective. It's combining idea  the art of photography and also a skill to have a point of view to think this further. If we can see from some point of view, the pizza tower's about to fall then the ladies legs are the only support and prop. Really good combination, isn't it? You just have to think further and more unusual to make this kind of forced perspective. 


          Ok, i chose this picture because its really smart and such an environmental inventions. For these years of modernity, everybody needs something small, fast, clean, and functional. Especially for those who like to travel around the world or spend their time for the nature activities. Just like this picture, that blue stick can pure all water from any sources with some suck. It will work automatically as you use that blue stick like a straw. This is what i think the most incredible part. Combining the machine and the mineral to be something useful and cheap. So its not a "must" to buy a mineral water. 

Courtesy :

           Still at the same time, same date and day. It looks like a tie obviously right? personally for me the pattern looks complicated and and unique. And that's what bring a high selling value to it. This is not an ordinary tie actually, it has the other function and its good for an engineer to wear, because the unique pattern is actually a computer circuit. And its still working, according to the article where i got this picture from. So the tie becomes really functional and really hard to find. And i think its really connected with this week's theme, the forced connections. Which is to combine what is really different for one big example. 

            Looks cute, isn't it? It's a multifunction mug. But the article called it a biscuit pocket mug. The weight is not that heavy, the colour is so clean, and the function is not only one. I think the inventor was thinking about how to have a tea or coffee time without using any small plate to carry the cake or biscuits. And his idea formed really good i think. Because simple is capable. So the mug has more than one capabilities then the combination of the functions and the basic material really unite as one. Because usually mug and the plate are always separately served. 

           You can see a parachute kind of hand bag in that picture. Do you know that it has so many function because of the materials combination? This bag is combining a polyminate, latex, and a normal fabric. For me, its a must thing to have for girls. Because it has a motto "3 in 1" from the brand. The first function, you can use it to carry your cosmetics because the materials are not easily to get dirty, second one, you can use it as your lunch box bag, because you can keep your foods warm inside the bag, then you can use it for your daily activities, because it looks fashionable too. 

It's 6th week already !

"It is called forced connections because relies on random external triggers that force people to make a connection between the problem at hand and the trigger. These triggers cause people to broaden their perspective. " 

Just grabbed those words from hihhihi

But in a simple way, forced connections is connecting or combining things to be useful or even un-useful things. With brain storming thoughts and mind mapping.
For me, this week's theme is gonna be fun!
And here are some photos of my activities during this week, and its related to Forced Connection.

     I took this photo by my self this morning. It was such a game, which was using creativity, brainstorming, mind mapping, and ofcourse forced connections. My group was taking those picture randomly. And we picked pineapple and comb. The teacher asked us to brainstorm what can me make by combining a comb and pineapple. We made it at least 30 and picked the top 4 to be presented. 

                 Here's my random drawing of today's activity. Pineapple and comb. Me and my group called it a pineapple brush. It's separately used to comb and pineapple? Its normally a dessert hahaha... Their textures are really different and not related obviously. But here we tried to combine them as one and make it useful. The reason why we made it as a pineapple brush is because the comb is basically use to brush someone's hair, right? And pineapple is containing vitamin A and C. And for your information, vitamin A is good for your hair. So the first benefit, we can get a unique comb, then we'll the vitamin A for our hair, and we can also get the naturally scratch by the hard texture of the pineapple's leafs everytime you comb your hair. 

                 At the same date. I was thinking of the skin use of the pineapple and also the brush of the comb. This picture was the last 3 pictures of today's activities. On that very top one, i imagined that how the hard leafs of the pineapple can be stuck on the edges of the comb then become a house cleaner thingy. And the second picture was the big skinned pineapple as a comb holder (its more than one) with a simple way. Just stick it around the pineapple. And my last picture is a pineapple water ladle with a comb holder. hehhee never heard before? Just make the pineapple into half pieces and make the hole in the middle of the pineapple, then you can use it as a water ladle.  


           27 of August 2013. I really wish i could have this awesome inventions. Can you imagine, you'll have a fruit juice extractor? No need to blend or smash it manually, you can just put the extractor on the fruit, then you can get the extract easily. Individually, the have a different function, but when they become one, they become more helpful and unique. Ofcourse we can use any other fruits then take their extract, and it can be different characteristic too. Really need to buy this one! 

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

yayyy yayyy i'm gonna finish this 5th week journal!

Today is 21st of August 2013.
And i continuing my latest posts for this 5th week.
I just refreshed my mind, and got some new fresh ideas (from pictures) about the lateral thinking things.

         I took this picture when i surfed the internet. And i got stick to its title , " In Which a Rose is Not a Rose"which really gave me a really good first impression. Personally, i like this picture because the arts are so improved by the creative skill of the artist, laterally. The artist, DeFeo has long been one of those one-hit wonders of the artworld. Mainly because of her painting "The Rose," which being over ten feet tall, close to a foot thick, and allegedly weighing upwards to a ton. is not so much a painting as a laboriously crafted sculptural bas-relief that happened to be made out of paint.  This reason makes me amazed of him, until he's known well as a lateral artist. 

             Those lovely hanging photos are really decorating a wedding event in a solid and gorgeous way. I love the idea from their creative team, how to use what should've be in a trash to be a valuable and pretty things such as those things. I think in this case, we can say it's a laterally creative arts. Because they're must be containing so many memories, and moments. And besides that, they're collecting loves and passions, not only just a hanging photo. 

Source :

            This xoxo game made me think how the creator would be this creative. Or how the players should be the winner or looser from this simple game? Big thanks to the creator. hihi because i love to play this game too. Its even since i was a child. Any way, those red circles are out of their way. That shows how some winners can think laterally creative and smartly won the game. That's how the game relates to a lateral thinking session. 

Monday, 19 August 2013

Just keep going..

It's still the 5th week of my uni life. And i'll continue to post some pictures of lateral thinking, and everything that connected to it.

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         These coconuts look ordinary, right? But in some situations, they'll be very helpful. My first picture from the creative thinking class yesterday was using these two coconuts as the cup for the Oscar dress. And the theme was a bit more about "hulala" thingy. Or we can say it as the Hawaiian dress. And this idea was obviously would be the very first thought for every people, when those question comes out. It was my first exercise to understand how to think laterally. Or think besides using the coconut as the cup, which is very ordinary. And sorry for not showing up mine and my groups' sketches, it's not good enough to be shown. But i've got the example from google. hehehe

Tadaa!!!!! Its only the picture for the top hehehe

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Still at the same time and date, August 20th 2013.
 Sun flowers and tiger's head. What's on your mind when you see those two different kind of things? Through my first exercise of lateral thinking activity i can think the idea which is unusual someone else's thought. I thought about how to wrap my self in an island, without any stores and helps. Then the idea comes out just like that. I would like to create a simple yet dangerous dress. I'm going to use the big big sun flower to be the decorations for the top of the dress, until the body and back as well. And what'll make it sexy is the tiger's head on the back, to cover the butt *oops* . Just cut down the rest of his body, sew it with some coconut tree's root, then shape it as a long ball gown. 

                Those boxes look really the same, aren't they? They're like queuing in a line, which has a formally means chiefly a line or sequence of people or vehicles awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed. Their colours are all the same, their sizes are also the same. But if you pay more attention, there's "one in a million" box of all. Its the one which has the "open hand" one. This parable means that   when you can think spontaneously different from all, you'll be the most visible from every set points of views and opinions. Like that "open minded" box, it shows that laterally difference is good. 

Courtesy :

Blue, white, green, yellow, black, and red. Those colours don't only mean colour. They represent their reflections of perfection in different kind of ways. Why did i choose this picture? I just thought about the eye catching and the different one everytime i heard about lateral. Like those hats, they have different optional personalities. I don't know why i do think those hats when the lateral thinking do cross my mind. Maybe because of the colours and the eye catching shape. 

       This is one of my favourite pictures from the week 5's . Tree branches are usually moved in to the trash after the processes of recycling something from it. But the attracting point was the lateral thinking from the inventor, from how he didn't use the first thought of ordinary people used to. I mean the very first thought to clean this un-usefull thing must be throw it in the rubbish bean. But the inventor made it in a really gorgeous way. Turn it into a recycling lamp, which is simple, useful, and valuable. Thats what makes it lateral. Its unusual .     

5th week begins...

Lateral Thinking..
      is solving problems through an indirect and creative approach, using reasoning that is not immediately obvious and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic

        That's what i learned in creative thinking's class this morning, 19 August 2013. By this class and lesson, the teacher taught us how to solve a problem without using the very first ordinary people thought of. It means that you can do something alternatively.  And here are the pictures of my group's activities today. 

          Those picture are some sketches of today's game. Which was telling us to think how to wrap your body with anything you can use. But, the interesting thing was, you're now in an island and you're about to receive an Oscar award. So this lesson was connected to some fashion skills and "out of the box" thoughts to form some problems solver to use. And my group was using the dessert island. It sounds a bit weird actually, but basically we chose that name for the dessert climate and environment. And the other sketches was the top 5 of our answers, from how to wrapped your self when you stranded in an island, in alternative and obviously ways. 

        This second picture was drew by me and my group, Yufan and Eurick the "zoom in" version. hihihi Sorry for the messy colours and things. As you see for the most obvious one, there's a live cobra snake on the head of the lady as her crown. For the cup of the bra, top of the dress, we're using the heads of the squirrels. Then, for the body of the dress, we're using cactuses, and stick them on the body, around the stomach. Then for the rest of the dress, we combined the water and sand then make them united as one. This dress called "beauty is pain" dress. We chose this obvious and alternative way, from our lateral thinking. 

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

New post post hihiiihi... still for this fourth week :D

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                 These patterns are really related to a mind mapping thingy. Why was it? It's because to make a mind map, people usually use waves or straight lines, even straight. Colours are also give so many supports for that as well.  Using colours in mind maps is maybe useful but for some of you, it may have an opposite effect or simply, there is less interest. To be memorable, a mind map does not need to be an artwork but it must contain remarkable and personal elements that reflect some affinity with the subject. It must express emotions or feeling and must remain in the mind for a while. In general, you can highlight information by adding pictures, by exaggerating the size or the style of words and by using colors. These last ones are often used to distinguish one branch from another.

                  This black and white mind map shows that so many curves and lines don't always need so many colours. It's interesting enough with the patterns and so many types of fonts. For me, that's the point of mind mapping activity. Replacing a lots of words, into some pictures or any big "eye catching" fonts will make it easier to memorise. That's how it works. And this mind map can be a really good example or references to make the other simple and memorable mind map. 

14th, August 2013 

             Its the picture of a free flying bird inside someone's head or brain. I chose this picture for this journal because it seems like how to start a mind mapping activity. Or we can say it as our very basic rules to start a mind mapping activity. I call it a free minded. It means that without a free minded thoughts, we cant start even to think how to count 1-10 fluently. Same case for mind mapping, we need a really clear mind to absorb so many ideas and combine them with what it has to be taken and written. So we can just do it by going with the flow. So, free minded, enjoy soul, and a calm heart are some requirements too, to start a mind mapping activity. 

Monday, 12 August 2013

It's continuing the last picture..

13, August, 2013 
And this the last photo of my daily journal diary.

                Last week, my parents and my little brother visited my. They flew from Bali in the morning, and i picked them up at the Changi Airpot. I felt beyond blessed, really. I just realised i've never missed them this way. That's why i posted in my diary, and the second one was seeing the dancing fountain in Marina Bay Sands with my family and friends. And the last thing i did was buying some gadgets accessories for my friends in Bali. I don't know why these happiness thingy always got a clash with my very busy week. 'cause all the barriers are time flies too fast, and i got so many homeworks to do.

13, August 2013 

                    This cutie little mind map was made by a kindergarten kid for his school activities. This picture shows that even a kid's learning how to make a mind map too. Because in fact, mind mapping is one of the easiest methods to memorise something. Specially for the big things and a hard one to understand. Basically, mind mapping is a diagram used to visually outline information. A mind map is often created around a single word or text, placed in the center, to which associated ideas, words and concepts are added. This very simple example, Spring is related to the sun, flowers, bees, grasses, butterflies, and the singing birds. So its gonna be so easy to memorise what's spring, and what are the elements inside. 

                          Draw me an idea! Mind mapping sometime talks about how to draw the idea. So its not only taken by orally, or long speech, it can only shows by drawing. Within some colours, and attracting fonts, your mind mapping will be always on your mind. 
Brain is always related to mind mapping activity, because its the main point of the resources. Left brain usually contains a lots of numbers, words, lists, analysis, and always think logically. Meanwhile the right brain contains your daydreamings, colors, 3D things, rhythm, and it usually works imaginatively. 

Fourth week..

Hello again Journal..
Time flies and i guess its the fourth week already, of my UNI life
And for today, i got a new topic again. I've learned it before when i'm still in Senior High school, but i think its a bit different.
So here are the photos i got for this week.

12, August 2013 

            I took this photo by my self after a group activities done. My group was Yufan and Eurick (as always) . So, this photo looks so mind mapping, visually. As you see that in the middle there're words HAPPY LIFE. And we got to find what the other words could explain about happy life. Actually, the theme was about how the higher education fits a happy life of a family. Yet its really connected with a happy life. Better and higher educations mean more knowledges and experiences. So today we learned about how to re-detail some words to be easily memorised. 

Titled : Me and my dreams. 

                    This photo actually taken in hurry before i went out with my friends in the break time this morning. Teacher told me to take the photo and put it into the e-journal as the daily photo. 
                   So it was just a colourful sketch about me and my dreams. What i really like to do, what's my passion, my biggest dream, and my missions to reach them as well. And it doesn't go far from the main idea. I did it with a mind mapping method. And it works as what i expected to! so easy to do, and memorise the words. A bit about what i've sketched, my biggest dream is to be a well known and qualified interior designer, yet a half musician. 

13, August 2013 

                These collage pictures are randomly taken from my iphone yesterday after the creative thinking class ended. It was my daily journal or diary to draw and write minimum 3 symbol for what i'd like to do everyday, what's the reasons, and what are the barriers. And these pictures are explaining my early three days last week. Putted something such as i love to eat, i love my music instruments, i really like to spend my whole days with me lovely bed, then have a great girls' talk at night, doing stretching with my gym ball or even call my parents in Bali before bedtime. And i gave a little informations for those symbols. Last thing, those are one of the exercises from the brainstorming lesson last week. So wherever we are, or no matter how simple the thing is, we can always do the brainstorming activities. 

   13 August, 2013 

                          This picture's one of my daily journal pages. Its the last day's i think. The first symbol was reflecting me and my boyfriend. I really need to see him everyday. Because he's my charger. Then i really like to take the bus to go everywhere because it means i don't need to walk too far or wait for the mrt. And the last symbol was obviously showing the make up collections of mine. I really like to put some make ups on (sometimes) and it depends on my mood. There're so many reasons why i chose those things. The first thing is because being with my boyfriend always make me feel that being far away from home is not that bad. And the barriers are sometimes we fought each other. For the last two things, i've no idea how to memorise all the buses number , and when i'm not in the mood, i cant do any make up at all.  

                              Fifth photo for this week .  I'm still updating this at the same date and time. This page of my journal is talking about the other 3 symbols of the things i like to do everyday. Really like to read a magazine, i really love to shop, and i love to listen to my favourite musics. And those things are because i'd rather see the pictures than to read all the passages, and for shopping? shopping makes you happy!! really.. Even you have to spend your money, but i think its worth it for something you need or even you've been dreaming of for so long. For the barriers, i still cant find my daily magazine in Singapore, the second one, money is limited for students haahaa.. and the last one, i don't have so many time for that. So the brainstorming lesson's outcome really worked out in me for these kinds of things.  

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

I'm almost there...

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7th, August 2013 

              Right this one is one of the example from brainstorming informally outcome. Its an idea and the maker spreads it into something which is really artistic to see. Maybe the maker was so happy, maybe he feels randomly charged. Without any words he could make his idea into this colourful picture. And that means that arts are really related to brainstorming things. Maybe from the method or even the way it forms. 

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I took this picture from google, but unfortunately i forgot where exactly the website is. But as i remember its a website for children educational toys and learning by playing. This picture was titled " the kids and their brainstorming activities". It looks so fun, right? Just like the way its titled learning by doing, the fetching the idea's happening by playing with the kids toys. So brainstorming has so many ways to do. 

                    And i'm still doing this at this very moment. This is the most important thing and the worst problem in every brainstorming things. Either its formally or even informally. Sometimes we feel o blank, like there's something wrong with our brain because its overloaded. And the moment when the idea couldn't flow out of your mind? that's the worst part of it. Loosing idea, that's really horrible. But when you do some brainstorming activities, you can get and reach so many ideas freely without even needed any thoughts. So we can say that its from idea to idea. No idea no brainstorming, no brainstorming no idea. 

Source :
7th, August 2013 

               A charge hug. A very simple word with a very big meaning. I chose this sweet little picture because i've learned something from this week creative thinking's class. The game that teacher gave's really memorable, cause my group got the part to mention 100 ways to send a message. From there my idea came out so fluently, that hug is a really really good pain killer for everyone. And people always call hug as a silent language. In fact that a little hug could wipe a thousand teardrops That's why people memorise one day for an international hugs day, where everyone can have a free hug from one to each other without any requirements needed. And i always remember that thing as one of the relations to brainstorming because i got this features from the brainstorming game.  

7th of August, 2013 

              Sweetnesses are having so many different visualisation. And these two kids are having such a very beautiful life. Without thinking about any problems or consequences. One more reason why i chose these kinds of picture, because i learned something in my class for the brainstorming session. And because of that games, i thought a lot about how to send a message or giving our opinion without any words or even obvious body language.  

Monday, 5 August 2013

3rd week..

"Brainstorming is a group or individual creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its member(s). "

        Okay, I'm now in the 3rd week of school. For creative thinking, we've got a new topic for this week. Its called "brainstorming" . And this morning, my team Yufan and Eurick have passed a really interesting brainstorming game. And we chose the "100 ways to send a message". 
And here is the picture of it. 

            I just took it by my iPhone. And thank God it looks as colourful as it actually is. We reached about 89 ways to send message, and our favourite was typing the message on the girl's bikini. If you can see, its on the right side down. We just realise that talking isn't the only way to send message, or to say something or even to make discussion. There're so many ways to communicate and send message. And we just got those final realisation from a very simple brainstorming. 

     5th, Aug 2013 

      This photo was taken by an unknown photographer and i just grabbed it from google. I chose this picture because i can see the relation with brainstorming things. Brainstorming isn't always a word for a broken or unstable brain, but its a word to say that there is "a message sent" by any actions and reactions. And its not always using tongue words as well. Laugh sometimes means a rejoice-hearted or maybe a covered deep pain. But its always related to a brainstorming things. 

Courtesy :

                It obviously looks as children's art work, yet simply contains so many different thoughts and meanings. Brainstorming in informal way, means a sudden clever idea. And i'm sure, those sticky notes were made by the hands of young brain's generations. Their teacher asked for them to do that, perhaps. But kids usually like these kinds of things, especially when they make something with so many different colours. 

Source :
Aug 5th, 2013 

        It looks like a small discussion group right? It is. But if you observe it deeper, they're doing some brainstorming activities. Its not the one because their brains were overloaded to use caused an obstacle, but its because they're purposing for some sudden clever ideas. Or maybe just to refresh their thoughts. This thing is so relating to brainstorming acts between human to human, human to God, or even worse human to un-living things. And this thing sometimes show the outcome after it's done. The easier to do something, the easier to think. And also the easier to think, the easier to do something. 

                       Same day, same date , and at the same time. Hello again everyone! s goodnight greetings for you while i'm typing(still) my creative thinking homework. So far so good, and i'm getting used to it. Any way, my 5th photo was came out of my head just right after my idea started it first. Adults are still using brainstorming activities to to start something, or just making itself an ice breaker things to be fully enjoyed. And this picture is truly an example to be seen. Because brainstorming formally means  moment in which one is suddenly unable to think clearly or act sensibly. And problems seem like more often come to adults rather than kids. Just using some simple games with sticky notes or just a note taking on a board, they could feel better then before. 


Friday, 2 August 2013

Last Pictures of the 2nd week..

"The creative process is very honest and cathartic for me, and is an intermingling of feelings and experiences, aspirations and visions, all spontaneously congealing on the canvas.
            -Atomic Vision 

             2nd August, 2013 

                Vincent Castligia, a vampire picture speciality artist. He's also an artist who fully epitomizes our current culture. I got those picture from and they're taken by the 2012The concept seems shocking at first, but you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality and craftsmanship of the artwork.  Vincent's "blood" paintings are comparable to the drawings of the great master illustrators from the Renaissance-- Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Durer, but with a more modern-gothic phantasmagoric twist. Using blood as paint, Vincent's illustration/paintings have a quality akin to classic ocher, the color used by the earliest artists. Mixing his blood with water, he applies the mixture to paper very much like watercolor paint. And those things are exactly the reasons, why his paintings are unique, different and beyond usual. 

          I'm not loosing the idea what to post or what to write, but this time my eyes have really shocked by the blood arts. For what the artists' purposes, their ideas, their passions, and also their braveness to publish what's up-normal. And this head sculpture was made by the English artist, Marc Quinn. As we know, he made that head sculpture by his own blood. And the struggle would be very tough. For how long the times would be taken, and his body must be healthy for that blood transfusion, and slowly became a head sculpture.