Wednesday 21 August 2013

yayyy yayyy i'm gonna finish this 5th week journal!

Today is 21st of August 2013.
And i continuing my latest posts for this 5th week.
I just refreshed my mind, and got some new fresh ideas (from pictures) about the lateral thinking things.

         I took this picture when i surfed the internet. And i got stick to its title , " In Which a Rose is Not a Rose"which really gave me a really good first impression. Personally, i like this picture because the arts are so improved by the creative skill of the artist, laterally. The artist, DeFeo has long been one of those one-hit wonders of the artworld. Mainly because of her painting "The Rose," which being over ten feet tall, close to a foot thick, and allegedly weighing upwards to a ton. is not so much a painting as a laboriously crafted sculptural bas-relief that happened to be made out of paint.  This reason makes me amazed of him, until he's known well as a lateral artist. 

             Those lovely hanging photos are really decorating a wedding event in a solid and gorgeous way. I love the idea from their creative team, how to use what should've be in a trash to be a valuable and pretty things such as those things. I think in this case, we can say it's a laterally creative arts. Because they're must be containing so many memories, and moments. And besides that, they're collecting loves and passions, not only just a hanging photo. 

Source :

            This xoxo game made me think how the creator would be this creative. Or how the players should be the winner or looser from this simple game? Big thanks to the creator. hihi because i love to play this game too. Its even since i was a child. Any way, those red circles are out of their way. That shows how some winners can think laterally creative and smartly won the game. That's how the game relates to a lateral thinking session. 

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