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Right this one is also a good invention. It's such a brilliant idea in combining a modern machine and a mineral to drink. Its really "match" for this kind instant lifestyle. It means like no need to use spoon to stir your coffee or milk, or whatever you have. The characteristic is quite different too i think, but in this case, i'm sure you need a battery to keep it still on. It doesn't look like something that has been "forced", but they have a really intensive connection between them. If i have one oneday, i'll change the cover of the mug, perhaps. hiihhi
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This picture? I got this suddenly from google when i searched about the forced perspective. It doesnt look like having 2 contrast functions right? But people called it a forced perspective. It's combining idea the art of photography and also a skill to have a point of view to think this further. If we can see from some point of view, the pizza tower's about to fall then the ladies legs are the only support and prop. Really good combination, isn't it? You just have to think further and more unusual to make this kind of forced perspective.

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Ok, i chose this picture because its really smart and such an environmental inventions. For these years of modernity, everybody needs something small, fast, clean, and functional. Especially for those who like to travel around the world or spend their time for the nature activities. Just like this picture, that blue stick can pure all water from any sources with some suck. It will work automatically as you use that blue stick like a straw. This is what i think the most incredible part. Combining the machine and the mineral to be something useful and cheap. So its not a "must" to buy a mineral water.
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Still at the same time, same date and day. It looks like a tie obviously right? personally for me the pattern looks complicated and and unique. And that's what bring a high selling value to it. This is not an ordinary tie actually, it has the other function and its good for an engineer to wear, because the unique pattern is actually a computer circuit. And its still working, according to the article where i got this picture from. So the tie becomes really functional and really hard to find. And i think its really connected with this week's theme, the forced connections. Which is to combine what is really different for one big example.
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Looks cute, isn't it? It's a multifunction mug. But the article called it a biscuit pocket mug. The weight is not that heavy, the colour is so clean, and the function is not only one. I think the inventor was thinking about how to have a tea or coffee time without using any small plate to carry the cake or biscuits. And his idea formed really good i think. Because simple is capable. So the mug has more than one capabilities then the combination of the functions and the basic material really unite as one. Because usually mug and the plate are always separately served.
You can see a parachute kind of hand bag in that picture. Do you know that it has so many function because of the materials combination? This bag is combining a polyminate, latex, and a normal fabric. For me, its a must thing to have for girls. Because it has a motto "3 in 1" from the brand. The first function, you can use it to carry your cosmetics because the materials are not easily to get dirty, second one, you can use it as your lunch box bag, because you can keep your foods warm inside the bag, then you can use it for your daily activities, because it looks fashionable too.
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